Sweet Dreams, Wagging Tails - How Pets Improve Sleep
Sharing a bed with your furry friend can be a no brainer for some people. For others, they wouldn’t dream of it (no pun intended!).But did you know that there might be some science behind why sleeping with your pets is actually good for both you AND them?
Improved Relationship With Your Pet
Sleeping with a pet in your room, or even on your bed, can be a great way to strengthen your relationship! It says a lot about you and your pets relationship if they trust you enough to let their guard down and sleep near you. As long as it is safe to do so, sleeping with your fur baby is a wonderful way to strengthen a new or pre-existing bond!
Security and Comfort
It may seem like an obvious answer, but sleeping with a furry friend in your bedroom can be a fantastic way to feel secure and safe; especially if you have a larger dog. In fact, having a larger dog can likely deter a robber or intruder completely. On the other hand, it may also improve your pet’s sense of security. If they are an anxious animal and are used to you being nearby, letting them sleep with you can improve their sleep habits, knowing that you’re close.

Mental Health
It’s been proven before that having pets can drastically improve mental health, lower cortisol levels, and raise dopamine levels. These positive effects bleed over when we’re asleep as well! Sleeping with your fur baby is a great way to improve your overall mood and wellness - if you have a great relationship with them already, sleeping may be even better!
Physical Health
Being around animals has a multitude of benefits, and some surprisingly point toward improving physical aspects of your health. Having a pet around at home has been proven to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, which can lead to better sleep, and better sleep can lower blood pressure and cholesterol! Owning a pet, especially a more active one like a dog, can also encourage you to move your body more. A bit of a no-brainer, but better physical health means a better sleep cycle.
Sleeping with a pet can also improve your allergies and immune system. A study done in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that children who live with pets in the home can actually help prevent eczema, prevent allergies to pets in the future, and help diversify their "biome" of germs.
Get The Right Gear
If inviting your pet pal up onto your bed is new to both of you, or if you'd just like to provide a dedicated spot for your furry friend to sleep in the room with you, we've got the ultimutt gear.
Protect your bed from mud, fur, slobber, and who knows what else with the Quilted Twill Waterproof Bed/Furniture Protector. Cuddling has never been better!
Give your fur baby their own dedicated bed - not sure what to surprise them with? Our Calming Cuddler donut bed and our Plush and Suede Sofa Bed are two of our most loved beds!
Know When To Say No
We love being able to give our pet pals a big cuddle in bed at the end of a long day, but allowing your pet into your bed may not be the best option for either of you. Here's a few things to consider before letting your fur baby onto your bed!
If you have preexisting allergies, or have began developing an allergy to pets, introducing your pet pals to sleeping in bed with you may not be the best idea. We did mention that children can develop resistance to allergies when sleeping with pets, but if you're a full grown adult, it's not likely you'll develop a resistance now. Try letting your friend in the room first, and if allergies persist, it may not be the best idea to let them stay.
If you have a new puppy in the house, it isn't a good idea to teach them to sleep in bed with you. It's one thing to introduce the idea to an adult dog, but while they're still a puppy, it's better to have them used to the idea of sleeping in a crate or their own bed before bringing them into yours.
Anxious or Angry Animals
This one is a little bit of a no-brainer, but it's a good idea to reconsider allowing your pets who are on the slightly more anxious or angry side. Even if your relationship is great during the day, rolling into a sleeping animal that doesn't 100% trust you, or anyone, can be a recipe for disaster.
Each pawrent knows their pet better than anyone, but making sure to take the steps to keep everyone safe is important. If you're unsure, always consult your veterinarian.