Why Your Pet Needs Dental Care
Thu Aug 10 2023

Thinking About Your Pet's Dental Care?
Have you ever thought about your dog or cat's teeth before? It may sound silly but their teeth need care just like ours! Although they might not eat candy or sweets (which can cause cavities for us) they can still have dental issues that are preventable. Without good dental care, pets can end up with gingivitis, cavities. plaque build up, and even periodontists.
It is recommended that you brush your pet's teeth everyday, but if that isn't feasible to you, be ready to pay for more intense yearly deep cleanings on your pet's mouth. There are signs that your pet may need to be seen sooner than once a year for his oral health, such as the following:
Bad Breath
We may joke about how some dogs just have bad breath from what they ate in the woods, but it can be a serious sign that something is going on in your pet's mouth. It could range from a symptom of an internal issue, or a build up of bacteria in their mouth. Whatever the case, your vet will be able to help address this and prevent it in the future.

Changes in Behavior
If this behavior is new for your pet it could be due to a dental issue. Toothaches can cause a lot of pain, and your pet might not like their mouth being touched if this is the case. If your pet regularly lets you touch this area, and all of a sudden isn't a fan of it, there could be a toothache, abscess, or exposed root that's causing them pain.
What To Do?
There are many ways you can help these issues (or prevent them), the main one being yearly cleanings under anesthesia. Putting your pet under can be scary and overwhelming but is very safe and the outcome is very beneficial for your pet. When your pet is under anesthesia, your vet can remove much more plaque and prevent gingivitis that can't be seen under the gum line. Your pet is not scared while asleep, and makes the whole process much easier for your furry family member.

Another way to help prevent this build up is brushing your pet's teeth. Although daily cleanings might not seem feasible, you can aim for several times a week if that feels more manageable. Do not brush your pet's teeth with human toothpaste, as it can contain ingredients that are dangerous for pets. Your local pet store should be able to help your find some four-legged toothpaste. Investing in some toys and treats that are made to clean your pet's teeth can help as well! Pet Factory has made a number of good treats that will keep your dog's teeth healthy and clean- here's one of our favorites, CareChewz Collagen Twists.
Now that you're armed with your new dental dog knowledge, it's time to get flossing! Remember, if you ever have questions or concerns about your pet's health or starting a new activity, always check with your vet beforehand.