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Pet Preparedness - How To Keep Your Pet Safe In A Disaster

Thu Feb 20 2025

How To Keep Your Pet Safe In A Disaster!

No matter the time of year, It’s important to consider all the things you need to keep yourself and your furry friend safe! If you are prepared for anything, then you can all have more fun together! Here’s some essentials and some things to consider for how to keep your pet safe in a disaster, so you and your buddy can be prepared and have a furtastic summer together!

A dog and a human sitting together on a grassy hill, with the sun directly over their heads, casting a long shadow, from FurHaven Pet Products

General Preparedness

One of the first things you should do that can be useful for almost any situation is to make sure you, your home, and your pet are all prepared and equipped for things to go wrong.

Here are some things you can do to prepare your pet for any disaster:

A very small brown dog with a blue collar and pawprint shaped tag hanging out of a car window, at FurHaven Pet Products

Here are some supplies that might be useful in most emergency situations with your pets:

Check out ASPCA’s more extensive list of things to think about and gather to be prepared.

Keeping Pets Safe In Wildfires

A wildfire rages on a hill while several people sit in camp chairs near their house and observe the phenomenon, at FurHaven Pet Products

Wildfires are usually caused in the summertime for a few different reasons. Especially if you live on the West Coast, you never know when or where you could be in a situation involving a wildfire. That’s why it’s important to prepare, even just a little bit. We’ve laid out some basic things you can do to prepare in the event of a wildfire.

Keeping Pets Safe In Excessive Smoke

A black and white dog sits in red ferns and looks to the right of the picture frame, in a sunlit forest clearing, at FurHaven Pet Products

Being based in Bellingham, WA, we are familiar with wildfire smoke. It's easy for us humans to throw a mask on or avoid the outdoors completely - however, it's not so easy for our furry friends.

With wildfire smoke becoming a regular issue, including for our friends in the Mid-West and East Coast, it's important to keep your pet's need's in mind. Here are a few things you can do to consider your pets:

Keep an eye out for these signs. Alert your vet if you notice any of these symptoms:

Keeping Pets Safe In Hurricanes

A white and blue SUV drives through deep water, from FurHaven Pet Products

Keeping Pets Safe In Tornadoes

The aftermath of a destructive tornado- an entire building pulled apart, with wood and other debris scattered everywhere, from FurHaven Pet Products

In most situations, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared and your pet trusts you. Taking the time to practice with them, be prepared, and make them comfortable is the best things you can do. Always remember: If it’s not safe for you, it’s not safe for them.