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Our paws are a little full at the moment! Due to high demand, orders may take longer to ship.

Protecting Your Pet's Paws In Winter

Two of a white and brown dog's legs resting on gray concrete, at FurHaven Pet Products

Taking Care Of Your Pet's Paws In The Winter



In the winter we're able to put on boots to protect our feet from the cold and keep us warm and dry. Our pets aren't able to do that without our help, so it's important we care for their feet in a variety of ways. Winter can be rough on pet's feet, especially when you consider the snow, road salt, and ice they're exposed to everyday. Here's some ways to protect your pet's paws during the winter!

1. Keep the hair around your pet's paws trimmed to avoid ice and debris buildup.

Six brown and black dogs pulling something behind the camera through pure-white snow, the whole scene is lit by bright sunlight in the wilderness, at FurHaven Pet Products

2. Invest in some Paw Balm to create a barrier between your pet's paw and the ground.

Paw balm can help a lot with keeping your pet's toe beans shielded from unfriendly elements like ice, snow, or even things like small rock chips and gravel. There's a variety to choose from, and can usually be found at your local pet store.

A gray and black Husky dog with bright blue eyes staring at something off-camera, while standing in snow within a forest clearing in the wilderness, at FurHaven Pet Products

3. Buy some dog booties to protect against the elements.

These work the same way as human boots! There are a variety of styles and sizes to choose from to ensure they fit your pet's paws best. Please note that sometimes these can take some getting used to and take some enticing with treats. 

A small, brown dog standing in the midst of dense evergreen trees, which are all covered in snow, at FurHaven Pet Products

4. Keeping your pet hydrated.

This can be especially important in colder months, due to the air outside and in being so much drier than in other seasons. We have a blog about the importance of keeping your pet hydrated, and instructions on how to do so!

A small white dog wearing a red bandana being given water by a human off-screen, while they both sit on a gray surface, at FurHaven Pet Products

5. Be aware of hypothermia in your pet, especially during the winter!

If it's too cold for you, it's too cold for your pet! Look for shivering, shaking, lethargy, difficulty breathing, and a low heart rate as signs of hypothermia. For more details, check out this guide from petMD on what hypothermia looks like in pets, as well as recommended treatments. 

A small, brown and gray pug bundled up in a brown blanket, sitting on top of a white mattress, at FurHaven Pet Products

6. Reduce the number of baths you give your pet during the cold season.

Baths have a tendency to strip your dog's fur of natural oils and dry out their skin. If your dirty pup does need a bath, make sure to use a moisturizing or oatmeal based shampoo to help keep their skin from becoming dry and flaky. 

A brown, black, and white dog with droopy ears being given a scrub by a nearby human, who has suds on their hands, in a tub with tile walls, at FurHaven Pet Products

Other things to be aware of while walking your dog: 

  • Many types of road salt and de-icing are toxic to pets and can be harmful if ingested. After going for a walk always take a a warm wet washcloth to their paws to remove any visible debris. 
  • Snow can hide grates or holes on your walk so make sure to keep a vigilant eye out for this. 
  • If it's too cold or dangerous outside, play inside that day! 

If you're looking for a way to keep your pup warm during the colder months, our Active Pro-Fit Dog Coat helps keep your dog warm, visible, and ready for a good time!

Now go have some fun and happy tails from all of us at FurHaven! 

Always check with your veterinarian before trying anything new. FurHaven is not responsible or liable for any harm that comes to you or your pet from activities. 

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