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5 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Calm During Fireworks

Various multicolored fireworks going off over a large body of water at FurHaven Pet Products

5 Tips To Keep Your Pet Calm During Fireworks

The bright flashes of light and booming sounds are pretty breathtaking and beautiful for us humans, but for our pets fireworks can be super scary and cause lots of anxiety. Whether it's the 4th of July, New Years, or another firework appropriate holiday, we've got five tips and tricks up our sleeves to make sure our pets stay safe and cared for during firework season. 

Get all of their energy out

A small brown dog running through some muddy grass at FurHaven Pet Products

Plan a fun workout beforehand that will tire your pet out and leave them super happy and satisfied. Go for a jog, a long walk, play some frisbee or catnip - whatever you and your pet love to do together. Hopefully by the time the fireworks start they'll be in a place of calm and happy slumber; counting sheep (or squirrels) and snoring away. 

Have a personalized safety zone

A small brown dog tucked into a soft white blanket in bed at FurHaven Pet Products

If your pet starts showing some anxious behavior because of fireworks, having a safe zone decked out just for them might help. If their comfort zone is the kennel, you can cover the outside with blankets to muffle the noise (just make sure your fur baby can still get out if they want to). Give them their favorite chew toy, stuff some comfy blankets inside, or whatever keeps them calm; let their space be full of love and comfort. 

Muffle out the fireworks

Yellow, red and white fireworks in the night sky at FurHaven Pet Products

Turn on some calming noises that your pet is used to, like your TV or your favorite playlist. Don't go overboard with the volume - you don't want to add extra chaos to the situation. Just try to muffle out the fireworks a bit; even white noise helps keep your pet calm during firework season.

Keep your pet's collar on, and make sure their tag or chip is up to date. 

A small white puppy wearing a red collar sitting in the grass at FurHaven Pet Products

None of us want to think about what would happen if our beloved pet got lost, but it's much better to be prepared than not. One door left open a little too long with the mix of a firework pop could result in your pet getting scared and darting into the open. If you can't keep them calm, you don't want them running away to add to the stress. It's always a good idea to have their collar and tag on, but it could especially be important during firework season. 

Another thing to make sure about is whether or not you've chipped your pet- we've got an article about the importance of microchipping your pet. It's a great step toward making sure your pet is safe!

Comfort your precious companion

A person sitting on a brown and white chair holding their white dog, surrounded by leafy green plants at FurHaven Pet Products

Despite what our trainer instincts might tell us about rewarding behavior through attention, chances are your pet is actually really frightened of the loud noises mixed with flashes of light and could really benefit from some good ole fashion lovin's. If you can stay in a quiet place with them to keep them calm, that's the best thing you can do for them. A compression vest can also help keep them calm. 

Although it is ideal to have your furry friend accompanied by a companion during this season, it's not usually the best idea to take them along to watch the fireworks (as captivating as they might be for us humans). 

If your pet has been anxious in the past, you can always talk to your vet about some medication to help get them through the holidays.


Pet MD

Looking for a fun baking project? We've got some fun 4th of July treats on our blog that we think everyone will love!

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